Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quick Post Attempt

Okay, the computer clock says 11:23PM.  Let's see how quickly I can finish this post.

Tonight I rediscovered why I hate watching the news.  In about 5 minutes I heard about another possible snow storm, a stupid story about people wanting to move a HS graduation out of a church where it had traditionally been for years (it is a large building yall; no one is trying to force their religion on you, but they would like to accommodate all of your families on that special day, so shut up and accept the facility), a kidnapping, a huge apartment fire in Norcross, and a teenage girl who died in a car accident last week when her best friend (who was driving and is possibly facing charges) hit a patch of ice on their way to the mall.  How seriously depressing! 

It took us over an hour to get Jack to fall asleep tonight.  I had to be firm with him a few times and say in a strong voice "Jack, lay down in your bed RIGHT NOW."  Then I felt bad b/c I didn't want him to go to sleep with thoughts of mean mommy, so I of course followed up with an immediate "I love you" and another kiss.  I must have kissed him like 58 times or something like that.  Overall bedtime is becoming easier, but it takes FOREVER, so that is why these posts happen so late.  I am usually on my way to bed and stop off at my desk for a quick post that turns into facebooking and emailing and bill paying, etc.  I am hoping that eventually we can just put Jack to bed and leave the room and let him fall asleep himself, but as he is a 17 month old already sleeping in a toddler bed instead of a crib, we are not comfy with that yet.  As he learns to communicate more we will get to that point; plus as he gets older it gets safer for him to be in there by himself.

I am doing pretty good with my blog so far.  I can't say my posts are all very interesting, but if you don't wanna read, then don't.  I guess that is the beauty of it.  I am SO happy tomorrow is Friday.  I have stayed up way too late all week, and I am getting my hair cut this weekend for the first time in ages, and I can't wait to sleep in (a little) on Sunday!  Goodnight readers!

11:44 right now.  Hmmn...21 minutes...not really that quick...

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