I am a sap. I cry at almost everything sentimental...even little pieces of joyful information about people who are barely in my daily life. I just read a blog post from an acquaintance who gave birth to her 2nd daughter a few days ago; the piece was about "The End of an Era," as they transition from a family of 3 to 4. As I was reading through her fears and excitement I became emotional and anxious about my own plans for a 2nd baby. One thing she touched on was the amazing gift of a sibling, and I could not agree more with her perspective! Despite the changes a first-born child has to endure when a new baby arrives, the relationship of a sibling is something I could never deny my child, and I just love that they will have each other and share their own special bond.
Of course I am being a little premature here, counting my chickens before they hatch, b/c there is always a chance we may not conceive again, although I doubt it since it was so easy our first time around, yet I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them shattered. I have seen that far too many times in the lives of others...None the less, I still get that lump in my throat when I think of our family growing, of becoming a mother of 2 children, and a "party of 4." My heart beats fast, and my eyes well up with tears and I have to breathe deep to force myself to re-focus on whatever else I am supposed to be doing...
Speaking of which, I have to get back to work now. Now this really was a Quick Post!
I can't wait for the next McQuilken!!!! :-) Love you, sista!