An hour ago I had decided I would get into bed with a book and just read away until I was ready to go to sleep. This is ironic of course, b/c anyone who knows me knows I RARELY read. Typically if I read it is out of extreme boredom or random coincidence. I do not recall the last time I went to a book store or library for an adult book as opposed to one for Jack. In fact, even the few books I browsed while pregnant were given to me by those with good intentions. Once I was at my mom's and happened to pick up a book on her end table and just somehow became so involved in the story that I ended up finishing it by the next night. In the 2 days of reading my husband decided he did not like for me to read. I guess he felt neglected or something, watching TV by himself in our 1100 square feet of impossible-to-get-a-moment-alone condo bliss. Maybe he thought me reading was too close to an escape of the mind and was worried I would be able to shut him out, and perhaps that would be unfair since in his peripheral vision he could still see my reflection in the episode of Cops whatever else he might have been watching. None the less, the reading subsided with the end of that book...until a beach trip with my family. My sister's friend loaned her a few books for the trip, and I, just coming back from a different vacation where everyone and their mother had a "Kindle" or the like and spent hours at a time reading on the beach, decided that mabe I would borrow one of these books with the idea of just seeing what it was like to read a book on the beach. Well, the book was good, until it ended with a cliffhanger, and upon returning home my sister got the sequel for me from her friend so I could at least know what happened. It was a lame story too, but really folks, that is 3 books now in like 6 years.
Anyway, I am so far off track here. As I was getting ready to pick out a book from another loaner collection from my sister's same friend, my sister called and told me that some friends of ours were in the hospital about to have their baby. I was immediately moved and emotional. On the inside. I didn't say much to my sister, but I was a little jealous that she got an email...then I checked Facebook and the couple both posted it so I knew it wasn't really private, and my sister was really on ly emailed b/c she doesn't use Facebook, and I am sure they wanted her to not be the last to know. Anyway, the jealousy ended and the tears of joy began.
I am so happy for this couple. The husband has been a dear friend of mine since adolescence, and we have had our ups and downs, but I truly adore him and wish him nothing but happiness. And the wife is someone I feel really likes me the way I am, and as I continue to get to know her better I feel more and more comfortable just being myself around her. They are having a girl. She will be the first girl in "that" group of friends. It is such an exciting night!
As I sit here and type this, Brett is snoring on the couch, fast asleep after not even getting home until almost 10 from a ridiculous day of working his ass off. (I wrote "behind" instead of "ass" first, but then remembered this is the "Uncaged" version of my writing, so I turned off my censor and let 'er rip!) I have a feeling there will be a lot of posts ending with my saying something about my husband snoring on the couch. His snoring drives me nuts, and it wakes me up and I find myself jabbing him several times throughout the night to get him to stop snoring or at least roll on his side. The other night I even moved myself out to the couch after he had come to bed and woken me from a sound sleep with his snoring. Ugh. I love him, but I hate the snores.
Jack and I had a great day today. We started by meeting my SIL and the McQ-Ts at Lenox for The Pink Pig, which didn't happen b/c the line was too long, but we still had a nice lunch. then we went ot Gymboree and then back home for a nap for Jack, which was a miracle when it happened. Afetr his nap we ventured to the park for a little while before running some errands and coming back home for dinner and playtime together. I love that baby. I mean...toddler.
Yep, well I am still new at the blogging, and right now, no on follows me anyhow, except myself. I guess I follow me. Haha. Okay, well goodnight reader. I mean, goodnight self.
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