Sunday, October 10, 2010

Just a Few "Quick" Thoughts

I finally got a new computer.  I am irritated to say the least at the amount of stress that my old computer caused me, or rather that I allowed it to cause me, but I am glad I have a new machine.  It is frustrating me right now though b/c my printer is too old I guess to connect to Windows 7 and I find myself wondering how would someone with any "less" computer knowledge even know where to start to address an issue like that.  I also have a wireless router that I spent 2 hours trying to connect last night, unsuccessfully, I might add, but I am just crazy enough to try again tonight after J-Bo goes to bed.  All I can hope for is that I once again have a machine that I can trust to play with all my pictures and create videos and stuff for my family memories.  Oh yeah, and I guess so that I can FINALLY start to blog the way I intended when I set up this site in the first place.

I want to write more.  I feel like I see all these blogs and read them and think to myself, wow, that person read my mind, or what a great writer she is, or I had no idea that was like that, or countless other thoughts that enter my mind when passing through cyberspace in a few short available moments.  Then I tell myself that I will write more and that I will find the time to do it "soon." 

But what the heck is "soon," people?  Soon my son will be in college; at the rate it feels like time is passing me by, that may as well be tomorrow.  It just feels so abstract to me, this whole time thing, I mean.  Like, why do some days really "go by faster" than others when they are all the same 24 hours?  Why does it seem like work days drag on forever and yet the 15 minutes it takes ot get out of the house easily turns into double that before I can even check the clock again?  Yes, I know the saying "time flies when you're having fun," but it also flies when you are stressed and trying to do a million things that need to get done in an hour while your toddler *finally* naps. 

I need more time.  I need an extra day in the week, or weekend, and yes I know I have Mondays off, but my Monday "Fun-day with my Son-day" is not for errands, or chores or all that crap that comes with life - Mondays are for me to make memories with the little man that makes me want more time in the first place!  To think I used to wish life would hurry up already!  Now I just want to stop and smell the roses and dilly-dally through each day so that I don't miss a second of it when it counts.  NOW counts.  Now is not soon.  It is NOW...

So, instead of saying I want to write more and I will soon, tonight I said I will write NOW.  And here is this little excerpt that I am happy to say was done without a ridiculous amount of proofing or thinking, but just a 10 minute window of opportunity that I demanded from my life. 

What is next on tonight's agenda?  I am going to take my favorite person on a little bike ride before his bedtime.  Sweet dreams!

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