If we are really friends, I will love your highlight reel.
Let's be honest here. Many of us have lots of "friends" on social media who are really just acquaintances from our past. Sure, we are friendly with each other. We genuinely care about one another. We may even reach out beyond our regular circle to have lunch and catch up with some of these people. We may even be touched or affected by a random someone's "like" or comment on our post.
But, mostly when we post, or at least when I post, it is intended for those who are closest to us. When I post a picture, video or status update on Facebook, it is b/c I want my closest friends, family and extended family to know what is going on in my life, and posting on Social Media is an easy way to kill multiple birds with one stone. If I take my kids on an awesome adventure, I am going to post about it b/c I want to share that fun with the people who love us. When I post about a challenge or struggle, it is b/c I believe people who care about me will be able to relate or offer some advice, grace, acceptance, compassion, etc. I don't expect all of my random acquaintances to notice everything I post, be it my highlight reel or not.
I know Taylor Swift says to "shake it off," but I'm tired of the haters. Seriously people. I see/hear so many complaints that Facebook is everyone's highlight reel. Well, so what? With all that is negative in the world, why can't we find joy in other people's happiness? Probably the thing I hear the most about is when people post pictures from an amazing vacation. They must be so lucky to have all that time off! That sure is an expensive trip! Must be nice to able to wear that bathing suit. The list goes on.
If we really are friends, I want you to go on amazing vacations. I want you to have time off to spend with your loved ones doing what makes you happy. I want you to be financially comfortable. I want you to strut your stuff if you want to. And if we really are friends, I want to know all about it b/c I'm interested in your life. I love to see you happy. I enjoy your joy.
And who decided you have to air out all your dirty laundry online??? Nobody has to share anything they don't want the whole world to know. Once it is out there in Cyberspace, you can't take it back. There is no rule that says we have to balance all our joyful posts with depressing ones! If you need a lift from some people who love you and you want a one-stop-shop for support, then social media is a great resource for that. Lots of love right to your Notifications and News Feed. If you are dealing with a more private situation and prefer to seek your support the old fashioned way or just from a select few, you can pick up your phone and use it as an actual phone, or you can edit your privacy settings or post to a specific group.
My point is this: I would love it if more people would enjoy each other's highlight reels on Social Media. If you really are friends, be happy for each other's joy. And if you are just random acquaintances, then be grateful for some positive in this oh so negative world. You don't have to be insecure about yourself just b/c someone else isn't broadcasting all their behind-the-scenes drama. You never know what someone else's journey entails...
End of rant.